Petits Poems d'Avril continue en 2018 ...
April is the month of many contradictions
the moon full
under white pines
faith rises
out of snow drops and rain
into wet leaves and frozen gardens
it falls
from the first
daffodils and asparagus
breaking ground
to the last maple drops
it glides
sap rose
steam bellowed
streams swelled
and hope
quietly abounds
Avril est le moi de milles contradictions
le moi tranquille
le moi terrible
le moi glacial
le moi tièdeur
le moi sang froid
quand la terre enfin respire
Un moi(s) sans doubt
Remplis d'espoir
Les folies de Mars
avec tendres lenteurs
et l'imagination retourne
un bourgeon a la foi(s)
Avril en douceur attire l'orage
L'esprit engourdi
l'âme appel
le printemps
Le vent tendrement
Et dans le silence
éblouissant de la nuit
une petite note a la foi(s)
le clavier résonne.
There is nothing gentle about the looming winds of April
They will arrive in full force
Ripping thru the last of the dead branches
And with the passion only Spring knows
They will unwind time
And howl
at the last of the sleeping bears
wake up!
for here it is
your country
Bear Country,
and you are needed.
C'est l'appel qui résonne
du paysage
sophistiqué des racines
le vent hurle
L'appel de minuit
le feu de bois
la petite neige
la nuit.
The call of midnight
the wood stove
a gentle snow
the April night.
Dans l'air glacial du petit matin
un duvet de neige revêtis le printemps
L'hiver a repris sa place au mois d'Avril
Et peut-être en fin de semaine,
la temperature retrouvera sa clémence
Daylight is slowly rising
above the deep and delicate
blanket of April snow
Behind the old maple
the half moon is setting
in the whispering clouds
And in the towering white pines
the wind is howling
Spring is long behind
Winter took its place
And I learn of
ikigai today
April 7, 2018
Au soleil couchant,
face à la glace,
la rose languissante
une dernière fois
~ in the setting sun, comforting the yellow rose in bloom, ice crystals melt.
Uplifting as the frozen snow
Invigorating as the icy air
Rosie cheeks and all
April has a firm grasp on winter.
And just as I was loosing hope
the sun came out to play
Blue is the light
In the morning sun
17 Fahrenheit
Is the temperature
on the little measuring device
And longevity is the message
On my tea cup
Spring has been bullied into a corner
where even the crows are mystified
Mystifier le printemps se retourne vers l'hiver et exclame: "moins neuf Celsius! Mais mon ami avez vous perdu la tête!?!"
where even the crows are mystified
Mystifier le printemps se retourne vers l'hiver et exclame: "moins neuf Celsius! Mais mon ami avez vous perdu la tête!?!"
Night rests softly on a blanket of snow.
Freeze dried, yesterday's yellow roses bow their head.
Hope clings to the frozen dark.
The saving grace of snow is that is covers all the matted down signs winter leaves behind. Yet, with incredible persistence the ground swells and greets the air. Today there will be mud, tomorrow too, and snowflakes will be no match for the warming trend. Robins have arrived many days ago now, and soon they will take cover in the naked fields. That is the news on the hill where the little measuring device strains to make it above 21 this morning.
"Moins six! Mais nom d'une pipe je vous dis mon ami c'est mon tour de gérer la terre!"
Freeze dried, yesterday's yellow roses bow their head.
Hope clings to the frozen dark.
And whispers of an early Summer, bypassing Spring, swirl around the piping hot wood-stove.
It's April in all its glory.
It's April in all its glory.
The saving grace of snow is that is covers all the matted down signs winter leaves behind. Yet, with incredible persistence the ground swells and greets the air. Today there will be mud, tomorrow too, and snowflakes will be no match for the warming trend. Robins have arrived many days ago now, and soon they will take cover in the naked fields. That is the news on the hill where the little measuring device strains to make it above 21 this morning.
"Moins six! Mais nom d'une pipe je vous dis mon ami c'est mon tour de gérer la terre!"
L'ours dors encore
Et les petits oiseaux à la poitrine rouge
ponde leurs oeufs bleux dans un paysage digne d'Elsa.
At one forty eight am, you can hear, the snow fall
Light and airy,
snow graces
the April deck.
Et les petits oiseaux à la poitrine rouge
ponde leurs oeufs bleux dans un paysage digne d'Elsa.
At one forty eight am, you can hear, the snow fall
Light and airy,
snow graces
the April deck.
Little bike,
flower pots safely nested
under the eve,
I woke startled
to a quiet sight
and tiptoed
into the night.
le 17 Avril 2018
Mardi, encore
And then the SUN came out!
Spring has arrived
the snow is melting fast
the ground is thawing out
soon it will be time to till and plant
flower pots safely nested
under the eve,
I woke startled
to a quiet sight
and tiptoed
into the night.
In one minute it will be 420
I can hear the brooke
rushing through the stone
wall covered in emerald moss
the echo of the waters
steady in the 40 degree night
Rain drip drops from the roof
crashing on the freshly melted deck
and in her sleep, quietly the puppy sighs
the rains of April have finally arrived.
Il est quatre heure du matin 34 exactement
la pluie remplie la nuit
mon esprit engourdis se contourne autour des mots
qui échappent dans la douce torpeur du matin encore loin.
Wedding cake
coated in generous layers of fondant
that is the world I woke to toady
Like hard candy
glistening in the early light
it surrounds each pine needle
every twig
every sight
Crystal caves
memories of old
twinkling in the night
April gifts this day
Au petit mating
Avril offre sang
sans retenue
vision de marriage
en forme de gateau
un paysage
revêtit de fondant
le 17 Avril 2018
Mardi, encore
une semaine de pluie, et de neige,
en perspective
il fera grand beau Dimanche
là, pendant dix jours
le soleil nous rendra grâce
on regarde la météo
avec ardeur
le printemps n'est pas venu
l'hiver a repris une place royal
la terre
libérée brièvement
est recouverte
de neige
une couche gelée que même la pluie glacial
qui persiste
ne pénètre pas encore.
Je crains mes amis
que mes petites fleurs
toutes endormies
doivent attendre lundi.
And then the SUN came out!
Spring has arrived
the snow is melting fast
the ground is thawing out
soon it will be time to till and plant